Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The adventures of the Traveling Scrap Bear

Hello all!

Here's the current schedule, including the date they arrived at their destinations:

Red=Visted and moved on

Green= Current Location

Gold= Waiting for a visit

Miss Belle:

Scatter Early-mid may 04-22-09
Tmgarren mid-late may 05-12-09
Flitobl mid-late June (by June 14 please)
Kitswpa early-mid July
Mother Goose mid-late July
Kathie early-mid aug
Melissadam mid- late August
Crafty Cindy early-mid sept
2Mini Schnauzers mid-late sept (by sep 17 please)
Gelidy Gelato early-mid Oct

Naf early-mid may 04-23-09
Raquellie mid-late May 05-11-09
Crafty Sprinkles early-mid June
Ladybing Tammy middish June (by June 24 please)
Provinca Mid-late July (by the time she gets it)
Mommy 2 four early-mid August
Fargomutt latish august by August 24 please)
Eltringham Mid-late September
DawninAZ-early-mid October
Janaquins early-mid November